Financial Impact

Property Tax Scenarios

The table below illustrates the approximate average tax impact based on different home values.

Three scenarios are provided:
1) Tax Impact - No Exemptions - This is the approximate tax impact for a homeowner with no tax exemptions.
2) Tax Impact - Homestead Exemption - This is the approximate tax impact for homeowners that receive the Homestead Tax Exemption.
3) Tax Impact - Homestead Exemption and Senior Citizen Exemption - This is the approximate tax impact for homeowners that receive the Homestead and Senior Citizen Tax Exemptions.

Home Value Tax Impact - No Exemptions Tax Impact - Homestead Exemption Tax Impact - Homestead and Senior Citizen Exemption
$ 200,000 $ 223.93 $ 203.78 $ 180.27
$ 300,000 $ 335.90 $ 315.72 $ 292.23
$ 400,000 $ 447.87 $ 427.71 $ 404.20
$ 500,000 $ 559.83 $ 539.68 $ 516.17

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