Voting Information

Ballot Question

Shall the Board of Education of Itasca School District Number 10, DuPage County, Illinois, alter, repair and equip the Raymond Benson Primary, Elmer H. Franzen Intermediate and F.E. Peacock Middle School Buildings, including constructing secured entryway and other life safety improvements, installing emergency response systems and equipment, constructing new science labs and other collaborative spaces, improving classrooms, library media centers and other instructional spaces and repairing and replacing mechanical and plumbing systems and other infrastructure, build and equip an addition to the Raymond Benson Primary School Building, and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $26,980,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?

Voter Qualifications

  • A U.S. citizen

  • At least 18 years old by the general election

  • A resident of your precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day

Ways to Register

Ways to Vote

  • Early Voting: October 19 - November 2

  • By mail

  • Election Day: November 3

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